lunedì 14 gennaio 2013

La filosofia del tagliaunghie...

E si comincia dove si finisce...

In questo blog si esaminano diversi aspetti fondamentali d'un oggetto così semplice, e comune, che le persone lo considerano già un aspetto della vita, una sorta di certezza. Durante i diversi post del blog si vede il Tagliaunghie come oggetto per l'igiene, come strumento y come certezza, sebbene si spiega meglio nella mappa concettuale.
L'igiene personale é un concetto veramente nato nel secolo XIX, ma é diventato una sorta di tabù adesso, vediamo le unghie come schifo, e mentre é giusto per le donne usare il rossetto dove sia, nessuno si può tagliare le unghie in pubblico senza far male.
Ma il tagliaunghie é cosí comune, che veramente non c'e neppure un vero lavoro di pubblicità, perche non c'è bisogno, li troviamo dal momento che andiamo in farmacia oppure supermercato. É così comune e pratico che la creatività umana li ha fatto diventare uno strumento di precisione  che possiamo usare sempre che i nostri forbici siano troppo grande per il suo impegno...

Come oggetto fondamentale, il suo disegno é stato così giusto, oppure così pratico, che non c'ha avuto bisogno di proprio ridisegnarlo. E quello é il suo incanto, un oggetto così semplice, e comunque abbiamo dovuto aspettare tanto per inventarlo...

giovedì 10 gennaio 2013

Quando sia in pericolo, cura le unghie!

Video: Estratto di "Hair-Raising Hare"
Looney Toons/ Merrie Melodies (1946)

Video: "Kaiketsu Zorori - Mahou no shugyou"
Anime: Kaiketsu Zorori (2004-07)
Vita come un servo, uno deve anche tagliare le unghie.


Il seguente video é violento, vederlo con precauzione.

Video: "Higurashi Nail Ripping Scene"
Anime: Higurashi no naku koro ni (2001)

E nella radio...

Casa Mariottide- Il Tagliaunghie

lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

Ma cosa facciamo con le unghie tagliate?

"Fingernail recycling. The very topic may be unseemly to some, understandably enough. I can see how the very thought of collecting your old grungy fingernails could be off-putting to even the most ardent environmentalist. But it's just like any other natural body byproduct, really?just a little heavier on the keratin. And they need to be recycled too. So I say it's time to forge a bold new frontier?and we start reusing our fingernail clippings.

Here are the best ways to reuse your fingernail clippings:

1. Nail your compost pile: 

Alla fine, il corpo umano ha tantissimi nutrienti per la terra,
le unghie sono una fonte dei minerali per le piante. 

Believe it or not, fingernail clippings are entirely compostable. Just make sure your nails are polish-free, and you can throw your protein-rich nail clippings right on into your compost pile. Probably the easiest way to reuse your clippings, most of us should be able to stomach carrying out.

2. Use nail clippings to make a pot scrubber:

Per essere solide, ma non troppo, le unghie fanno un eccellente pulitore 
per i piati e pentole.

Run out of steel wool, but still have pots and pans encrusted with impossibly hardened food bits? No matter—create your own pot scrubber by collecting your fingernail clips and emptying them into the foot of some discarded pantyhose. Tie it off, and Voila! An instant, free, only mildly repulsive pot scrubber is yours.

3. Turn them into fine art: 

Do as Tim Hawkinson did and create avante garde sculptures with your fingernail clippings. You never know, your body-byproduct art might land you with an opening at the Whitney—Hawkinson's bird skeleton and egg pieces made entirely out of fingernails did.
If all else fails, you can always send them to this one guy, who's, let's say, atypical hobby has gathered him fingernail clippings from 4,200 different people."

"3 Reuses for Fingernail Clippings?". MERCHANT, Bryan. 10 Gennaio 2012.

Affilare il tagliaunghie

"Nail clippers are a common grooming tool found in most households. Unfortunately, nail clippers easily become dull through normal use. After the blades have dulled, they can crush nails rather than cut them. Instead of purchasing a replacement pair, sharpen your nail clippers at home. Sharpening can be done quickly and spares you the expense of purchasing a new set.

Step 1

Rotate the actuating lever of the nail clippers 90 degrees, until it no longer sits on top of the two pieces that make up the jaws of the clippers. Squeeze the jaws together tightly using your fingers or a set of pliers. Hold the clippers on a horizontal plane. The pin holding the actuating lever should fall away from the clippers, allowing you to easily remove the actuating lever.

Step 2

Insert a screw into the hole that the actuating lever has fallen from. Tighten the screw with a nut until the two jaws of the clippers are touching or nearly touching. If you're using pliers, remove them from the clippers at this time.

Step 3

Hold the sharpening stone, or a handheld rotary tool equipped with an aluminum oxide grinding stone accessory against the edge of the jaws of the nail clippers. Move the sharpening stone across the surface of the jaws until all nicks, scratches and dents have been removed from the metal surface.

Step 4

Remove the nut and screw from the clippers. Reinsert the pin that held the actuating lever. Squeeze the jaws together using the pliers or your fingers, and reattach the actuating lever.

Step 5

Wash any filings away from the nail clippers by rinsing them under running water. "

"Do it Yourself: Sharpening Nail Clippers". BUSSE, Melissa. 2011

L'importanza d'un buon tagliaunghie

"One usually doesn’t ponder nail clippers too often, but alas, at one point or another this thought may come to mind. Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a high quality and a low quality nail clipper? If you haven't then you haven’t tried Seki Edge’s Stainless Steel Fingernail and Toenail Clippers yet! They are rated #1 on for starters and the reviews are amazing but they really just demonstrate that people really do appreciate quality and are willing to pay a little extra for it. It makes sense as your satisfaction and contentment with good quality products keep you happy for a long time and you will be running back for more.

So what defines a quality nail clipper and how do they compare to the low quality nail clippers you get at your local drugstore? I’m sure you have experienced the jagged edges and dull cuts that nail clippers can leave. Or what about those nail clipper that fall apart? Ever experienced one of those? Just think about what it would be like to own a high quality nail clipper. A high quality tweezer has a precise sharp cutting edge, a great style and fantastic workmanship. They are made of stainless steel and have an ergonomically friendly grip made in a country that produces high quality products. They last forever and you will never buy another nail clipper again. And if you do, it will be another one of the same. How would that feel? Pretty darn good right?
Esempio del modelo "Seki Edge" 
Acciaio inossidabile

If you haven’t experienced quality nail clippers and are tired of the cheapie ones, Seki Edge has the right nail clipper for you. Both the Seki Edge Stainless Steel Fingernail Clipper and the Stainless Steel Toenail Clipper are rated #1 on for nail clippers. Go there yourself and read the reviews. If you are ready for the ultimate nail cutting experience, try the Seki Edge nail clippers. It will be an experience you will appreciate. Heck, there are people who have the nail clippers and hide them from their loved ones because they don’t want them to use them! How much better can it get? Probably not much."

"What a Quality Nail Clipper Can Do For You". SEKIEDGEBLOG. 2011